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Planning Board Minutes 08/16/2018
Antrim planning Board Minutes Regular Meeting
August 16, 2018
Members and Staff Present: Janet McEwen (chair), Lynne Rosansky (member), Jeanne Cahoon(alternate), William Bryk (member), Bob Holmes(member), John Robertson(ex-officio).
Members Absent: Mary Allen (member), Chris Condon (Vice chair), Steve McDonald (alternate), Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner).
Chair McEwen calls the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Mr. Bryk makes a motion to approve the July 19th minutes as written, Ms. Rosansky second the motion. With all in favor, the minutes are approved.
Minutes from August 2nd. Since there is a lack of attendance of the members present for the aug.2nd meeting the approval of these minutes have been tabled. Mr. Holmes made a request to have line 87 revised to read, “Mr. Holmes cautioned the Chair to be careful in how she presents the need for submitting site plans.”
Planning Board Assistant:

There has been a new hire for the seat of the planning board assistant whom we will meet at our next meeting.
The board discussed updating the website and business groups being a good task for the new assistant.
Discussion ensues about tools that can be put in place to make communication between the planning assistant and board members more efficient in order to make tasks completed smoothly.
CIP Update:
The CIP will be holding a meeting on Monday August 20th.
Re-Scheduling of Mary Pinkham Langer Business:

This business has not yet been re-scheduled due to a busy board calendar through Fall. This will be looked at again some time at a later date.
Review of filing fees:

The office of Steve Jones contacted the office directly, thinking filing had to be completed ever 5 years, whereas the board has found it is every six years.
Discussion ensues.
The board agrees, reviewing excavation sites annually as well as sending out a letter requesting a report to decide if the owners should come before the board should be done.
Chair McEwen discussed this information with Mr. Jones office alerting them not due until 2019.

Filing Fees:

Board discusses changes in filing fees. Certified mail went from $4.00 to $6.00, the town charging $10.00 Mr. Bryk motions to approve $10.00 filing fee Ms. Rosansky second this motion.
Motion passes. Chair McEwen will notify Barbara that this change needs to be changed.
Website and Bussniess groups:

Mr Bryk makes a motion to add a tenitive meeting agenda to the town website and town hall bulletin board. Ms. Rosansky seconds motion.
Board accepts this friendly amendment and the postings will be placed is designated areas Mondays prior to the scheduled meetings.
Community Vison Statement:

Discussion about the vision summery regarding the master plan is had.
Vision statement; Ms. Cahoon makes a motion that the vision statement be accepted as it is written on the bottom of the page in discussion. Mr Bryk seconds the motion. Roll call vote
Mr Robertson: yes, Mr. Holmes: yes, Ms. Rosansky: yes, Ms. McEwen: no, Mr. Bryk: yes, Ms. Cahoon: yes.
Motion passes, vision statement is accepted as complete
Chair McEwen would like it known for the record that she is not in favor of the vote as she feels there has not been enough time and editing and that it should include more information and thought.
Discussion continues
Bullet Points Discussed Including 2020 and Survey

Promoting Antrim as a destination location for: businesses, tourism, conservation and Recreation & sense of community.
Create a Town brand
Protect and enhance our natural resources and conservation areas
Promote and develop our recreational programs and resources: lakes, beaches, trails, Maintain, support and promotes our current businesses
Encourage new business growth and job opportunities
Make downtown more viable through increased activity, businesses, walkability, parking and Activities
Maintain and improve infrastructure

Enhance Wi-Fi and cell service throughout the town
Create a small business climate including home occupied and home based businesses Develop more private and public meeting spaces and gathering places.
Affordable housing
Improved communication/ Website, publications, social media Increase community involvement

Mr. Holmes make a motion that the bullets be a “homework assignment” for board members, for next time, identifying and reviewing chapters to be addressed for updated master plan and implementation points. Ms. Cahoon seconds this motion
All in favor.
Ms. Cahoon makes a motion to adjourn, Mr. Robertson seconds motion: approved Meeting adjourns 7:57 PM